we all know that all living things have feeling..
especially we human..
so why bother to hurt each other??
we want every each of our friend to care for our feeling but why didn't we start it first??
why must wait for what others do to you and only then you repay them??
can't we just be kind to all..
I know I myself not so good to ask people to do all this..
but at least i try to be good..
Islam itself teach us to be good to all mankind..
we always say that people in overseas are very mean to be racist among themselves..
but in the end..
we malaysian pun pilih kawan jugak..
kalau nak bercinta dengan kaum sendiri je..
ade masalah ke kalau bukan islam masuk islam and kawin dengan orang yang memang asalnya islam??
macam mana Islam nak berkembang, maju and sepakat kalau kita sendiri sebagai orang Islam memandang rendah agama lain..
yes, maybe kita tak suka agama dia tapi ape salah dia??
dia pun berhak untuk mendapat ape yang orang lain dapat..
dia pun manusia macam kita jugak ada hati dan perasaan..
jangan terlalu bangga sebab kita memang dari lahir memang islam..
mungkin mualaf yang convert nie lagi bertaqwa dari kita ni..
kita sepatutnya bimbing diorang nie untuk masuk agama Islam..
ni tak bile kita dengar je Chinese, indian, budha, kristian..
tak nak kawan lah nanti takut terpengaruh..
geli la dengan agama diorang..itulah yang selalu keluar dari mulut setiap dari kita..
kalau macam ni gaya kita macam mana kita nak buktikan pada yang bukan Islam yang agama Islam tak membezakan antara satu sama lain..
Islam ni agama yang mudah..
Kahwin Campur..
kenapa kita nak kecam diorang??
salah ke dia mengajak seseorang tu ke jalan yang benar??
siapa kita nak menetukan siapa layak untu masuk Islam ke tak??
Allah tak membezakan hambanya, kenapa pulak kita sebagai hambanya nak membezakan anatara satu sama lain??Kita ni sama di mata ALLAH..yang membezakan tu amalan kita bukan paras rupa, harta atau berapa lama kita menjadi orang Islam..
mungkin ada yang marah bila saya berkata begini..
tapi siapa lah saya hari ini, kalau tidak kerana nenek saya yang dulunya bukan beragama islam masuk Islam dan berkahwin dengan melayu mungkin saya menjadi penghuni neraka selamanya..nauzubillah!!
saya mungkin tak dapat merasai kemanisan agama Islam seperti mana hari ini..
mungkin saya bukan saya yang anda lihat hari ini..
cukup lah dengan sikap kita yang sering memburukkan mereka yang sebelumnya bukan beragama Islam memeluk Islam...
Sorry to all..no offense..
P/S:Islam agama yang mudah..Janganlah kita memberi orang yang bukan islam persepsi yang negatif tentang agama Islam..tak salah kita ingin berkongsi kemanisan Islam yang kita rasa bersama orang lain..tapi biarlah kena dengan caranya :)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Encik Rutin lama sudah tak jumpa!!
Lama sudah tak berjumpa dengan Encik Rutin..around 2-3 month jugak la..
now have to start my routine as usual..
nnt klu tak start skrg pancit pulak nk lari :P
I'm sorry MR S my sports life is more important than you..
won't budge a bit even you offer me lot of things dear MR S..
sorry yaw..but I'll try to spent a little time for you.. :)
haish..slalu tersasar dari trek..
luckily didn't happen whenever i've tournament..hee~~
i think we more like even la MR S..
lately pun you didn't update much bout you..
maybe to busy to care for ur update..
but it's okay for me as long as you stay healthy and happy :)
than as long as I'm happy you will do the same right?? ngee~~ :P
my day will be more busier than before..
if back then i have time to chat with frens and hang out a little..
now my time fully accompanied by my routine..sigh..
but i really enjoying it even though it tiresome ..
healthy life with more routine..that's what i always tell myself whenever i feel wanna back off from my routine day life..
memang sgt penat tau..kadang2 sampai tak terlarat nak bangun pegi klas..
but as a student..klas still klas no matter how tired you're kan??
the lecturer never wait for you..you have to follow with the flow..
Encik Rutin yg dh lame tak jumpe..bg la saya rase tak penat (mcm la boleh :P)
susah la saya klu selalu penat..
tapi sebab sport i sacrifice kan mase saya untuk bermain..
hope will have great result in the end..doakan saya ye!!
i've once cried because of my routine..i'm the one who set for higher target..
then feel like wanna back off suddenly when seeing others doing so great without any feel susah pun..i cried like crazy dat time..mmg nak give up abis..than my mom told me..kita dah berusaha semampu kita, jgn nak sangat menang sampai diri sendiri yang tanggung sakitnya..routine oh routine..you almost turn my life up side down..(lawak la pulak bile ingat balik :D )
that time i back to basic and slowly set for higher target in my routine..even though didn't manage to the highest but still had fun and good result..yeay!!
i know my story so boring but thanks for reading :)
P/S:DARE yourself to take the challenge and tried your best..aim higher but never regret if you didn't win because you've try your best..being a winner not always about winning something..tried your best effort and dare to take the challenge already make yourself a winner :)
now have to start my routine as usual..
nnt klu tak start skrg pancit pulak nk lari :P
I'm sorry MR S my sports life is more important than you..
won't budge a bit even you offer me lot of things dear MR S..
sorry yaw..but I'll try to spent a little time for you.. :)
haish..slalu tersasar dari trek..
luckily didn't happen whenever i've tournament..hee~~
i think we more like even la MR S..
lately pun you didn't update much bout you..
maybe to busy to care for ur update..
but it's okay for me as long as you stay healthy and happy :)
than as long as I'm happy you will do the same right?? ngee~~ :P
my day will be more busier than before..
if back then i have time to chat with frens and hang out a little..
now my time fully accompanied by my routine..sigh..
but i really enjoying it even though it tiresome ..
healthy life with more routine..that's what i always tell myself whenever i feel wanna back off from my routine day life..
memang sgt penat tau..kadang2 sampai tak terlarat nak bangun pegi klas..
but as a student..klas still klas no matter how tired you're kan??
the lecturer never wait for you..you have to follow with the flow..
Encik Rutin yg dh lame tak jumpe..bg la saya rase tak penat (mcm la boleh :P)
susah la saya klu selalu penat..
tapi sebab sport i sacrifice kan mase saya untuk bermain..
hope will have great result in the end..doakan saya ye!!
i've once cried because of my routine..i'm the one who set for higher target..
then feel like wanna back off suddenly when seeing others doing so great without any feel susah pun..i cried like crazy dat time..mmg nak give up abis..than my mom told me..kita dah berusaha semampu kita, jgn nak sangat menang sampai diri sendiri yang tanggung sakitnya..routine oh routine..you almost turn my life up side down..(lawak la pulak bile ingat balik :D )
that time i back to basic and slowly set for higher target in my routine..even though didn't manage to the highest but still had fun and good result..yeay!!
i know my story so boring but thanks for reading :)
P/S:DARE yourself to take the challenge and tried your best..aim higher but never regret if you didn't win because you've try your best..being a winner not always about winning something..tried your best effort and dare to take the challenge already make yourself a winner :)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Kerana anda saya begini...
hidup saya begini semua kerana anda..
kerana anda yang menetukan segalanya untuk saya..
saya memang suka ambil benda semua sambil lewa..
tanya ape pun saya jawab tak tahu..
benda saya tak suka tapi anda kata ia bagus..
saya ikut je..
tengok sekarang saya jadi begini..
Terima kasih Ibu..
kalau tak kerana Ibu yang tentukan hala tuju hidup mira mungkin sekarang mira tak dapat kejayaan yang mira ada sekarang..
walaupun belum cukup berjaya untuk membanggakan ibu tapi sebab ibu mira berjaya hari ni..
masa kat sekolah dulu ibu yang tentukan ambik kelas mana sebab mira tak tau nk decide :)
masuk kelas tu..AKAUN!!
matapelajaran yg paling saya tak suka..tapi berkat doa ibu saya..saya berjaya XD
masuk universiti..mira nak pilih benda lain selain akaun..tapi ibu suruh ambik akaun..
saya sungguh2 nak memprotes..tapi berdosa pulak saya rase lawan cakap ibu..
teringat pulak ustazah pesan..tak berkat belajar takde restu ibu..
dengan keadaan yang paksa rela saya melangkah masuk ke universiti..
orang tanye kenapa ambik akaun ni..
saya jawab ibu saya suruh..
orang cakap..susah tau belajar kalau tak minat..
saya pun jawab..mane ade balajar yang senang..
benci sungguh la dekat sume kelas yang ade disini..
sorie kepada cikgu yang mengajar saya akaun dulu..
bukan saya benci cikgu tapi matapelajaran tu yang saya tak suka..
setiap kali periksa Ibu doa untuk mira :)
saya terharu..saya berazam sejak hari itu..saya akan suka ape yang ibu saya suke :)
hingga saya rasa sape yang Ibu pilih untuk jadi suami saya itulah yang terbaik untuk saya..
saya mula suke la akaun..start dengan costing..saya paling suke :P
bila exam selalu rase..ni mesti fail punye..yelahkan sebab tak suka..
tapi bila dapat result..syukur..lulus dengan cemerlang..
ni semua berkat doa ibu saya..terima kasih ibu..
sekarang saya dah mula suka akaun..walaupun takde lah suke sangat tapi boleh la..
sekarang mira berazam pulak nak sara adik2 lepas ni bile dah berjaya..
penat ibu nasihat mira macam2..berbuih mulut pun ade jugak rasenye..
nasib baik mira dengar cakap kalau tak ape lah yang jadi kata anak ibu ni kan.. :)
terima kasih banyak2 ibu..berkat ibu mira berjaya dan akan terus berjaya!!
P/S : Seorang Ibu sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik, memberi sesempurna yang mungkin dan memilih hanya yang terbaik untuk anak-anaknya,jadi kita sebagai anak akur dengan keputusan mereka adalah jalan yang terbaik untuk berjaya..
kerana anda yang menetukan segalanya untuk saya..
saya memang suka ambil benda semua sambil lewa..
tanya ape pun saya jawab tak tahu..
benda saya tak suka tapi anda kata ia bagus..
saya ikut je..
tengok sekarang saya jadi begini..
Terima kasih Ibu..
kalau tak kerana Ibu yang tentukan hala tuju hidup mira mungkin sekarang mira tak dapat kejayaan yang mira ada sekarang..
walaupun belum cukup berjaya untuk membanggakan ibu tapi sebab ibu mira berjaya hari ni..
masa kat sekolah dulu ibu yang tentukan ambik kelas mana sebab mira tak tau nk decide :)
masuk kelas tu..AKAUN!!
matapelajaran yg paling saya tak suka..tapi berkat doa ibu saya..saya berjaya XD
masuk universiti..mira nak pilih benda lain selain akaun..tapi ibu suruh ambik akaun..
saya sungguh2 nak memprotes..tapi berdosa pulak saya rase lawan cakap ibu..
teringat pulak ustazah pesan..tak berkat belajar takde restu ibu..
dengan keadaan yang paksa rela saya melangkah masuk ke universiti..
orang tanye kenapa ambik akaun ni..
saya jawab ibu saya suruh..
orang cakap..susah tau belajar kalau tak minat..
saya pun jawab..mane ade balajar yang senang..
benci sungguh la dekat sume kelas yang ade disini..
sorie kepada cikgu yang mengajar saya akaun dulu..
bukan saya benci cikgu tapi matapelajaran tu yang saya tak suka..
setiap kali periksa Ibu doa untuk mira :)
saya terharu..saya berazam sejak hari itu..saya akan suka ape yang ibu saya suke :)
hingga saya rasa sape yang Ibu pilih untuk jadi suami saya itulah yang terbaik untuk saya..
saya mula suke la akaun..start dengan costing..saya paling suke :P
bila exam selalu rase..ni mesti fail punye..yelahkan sebab tak suka..
tapi bila dapat result..syukur..lulus dengan cemerlang..
ni semua berkat doa ibu saya..terima kasih ibu..
sekarang saya dah mula suka akaun..walaupun takde lah suke sangat tapi boleh la..
sekarang mira berazam pulak nak sara adik2 lepas ni bile dah berjaya..
penat ibu nasihat mira macam2..berbuih mulut pun ade jugak rasenye..
nasib baik mira dengar cakap kalau tak ape lah yang jadi kata anak ibu ni kan.. :)
terima kasih banyak2 ibu..berkat ibu mira berjaya dan akan terus berjaya!!
P/S : Seorang Ibu sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik, memberi sesempurna yang mungkin dan memilih hanya yang terbaik untuk anak-anaknya,jadi kita sebagai anak akur dengan keputusan mereka adalah jalan yang terbaik untuk berjaya..
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Saya Sayang awaklah Encik -S-D-W-
Encik -S-D-W- yg sgt jahat..
awak dh culik hati saya..
tapi saya tak kesah.. XD
i know you never even know i'm exist in part of your life (sedihnye :'( )
but i don't care..
sorie for being your stalker..
never have any intention to hurt or harm you..
always wish you would read all my entry for you :)
but it'll never happen..i guess..
but thanks to the brand new world we live in now..
i'm able to know your update..even you don't notice me..
i hope 1 day you will singgah to my blog and read my entry.. XP
thanks..for updating bout yourself regurlarly..thanks a lot yaw!!
things i need you to give back is LOVE..if you can la..
i know you don't want to have any commitment right now..
that's why i never even bother whether you know me or not :D
i'll support you in what ever you do..but there's limitation for me of course..
we're not in the same religion but things always change..hope it for good la kan..
hope you'll know me some day and i get to know you better..
i know what kind of person you in the outside but never in the inside..
jgn buruk sudahlah kn..always wish for the best for you but never dare to stand up and say it out loud..poor you never hear my cheer..but i'm always there for you..
sorie la kan coz can't even cheer for you when you're down and have bad time in your life..but i never left you alone..you the one who never realise it..(of course la kn..saya ni sgt la bengong..XP)
again..thanks a lot sbb already kidnapped my heart..love you more when you never know who i am..lots of love from me..
awak dh culik hati saya..
tapi saya tak kesah.. XD
i know you never even know i'm exist in part of your life (sedihnye :'( )
but i don't care..
sorie for being your stalker..
never have any intention to hurt or harm you..
always wish you would read all my entry for you :)
but it'll never happen..i guess..
but thanks to the brand new world we live in now..
i'm able to know your update..even you don't notice me..
i hope 1 day you will singgah to my blog and read my entry.. XP
thanks..for updating bout yourself regurlarly..thanks a lot yaw!!
things i need you to give back is LOVE..if you can la..
i know you don't want to have any commitment right now..
that's why i never even bother whether you know me or not :D
i'll support you in what ever you do..but there's limitation for me of course..
we're not in the same religion but things always change..hope it for good la kan..
hope you'll know me some day and i get to know you better..
i know what kind of person you in the outside but never in the inside..
jgn buruk sudahlah kn..always wish for the best for you but never dare to stand up and say it out loud..poor you never hear my cheer..but i'm always there for you..
sorie la kan coz can't even cheer for you when you're down and have bad time in your life..but i never left you alone..you the one who never realise it..(of course la kn..saya ni sgt la bengong..XP)
again..thanks a lot sbb already kidnapped my heart..love you more when you never know who i am..lots of love from me..
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Camping is the real way to experience life!!
Camping!! not so good with this kind of things but still having fun joining it..hehehe
Staying up till morning being 'jaga' are the most exciting experience..while staying up late, my frens and I start sharing ghost storie which end up frightened us to go somewhere alone..(lawak sungguh kami ini)..so much things to share takut plak nnt tak cukup space nk tulis..(this will never ever happen..sje nk gimik lebih)
actually this camping not meant for me..just teman my sister which this is her first time..but I end up joining the camping through all their activity....sgt lah menyebok smpai tersgt la pnt sbb bnyk sgt keje..hahaha..pdn muke spe srh menyebok..
MR -S-D-W- sorrie for not update you for this past three days..sgt busy with the camping and there's no time for you..hahaha..actually enjoying the camping so much and totally forget to update..sorie2..
we walked about 7km around shah alam yesterday...having so much fun and this is the time all participant true colour shows..sgt la bnyk kerenah mereka semua ini..sampai dah tak cukup otak nak melayan..hahaha..(my words are so bombastik due to severe damaged..hahaha)but at least i'm having fun..that's my priority..
forgot plak..next week i'll be joining another camping activity..wohoo..this time only for two days..again MR -S-D-W- don't be mad if i didn't update.. :D
after that i'll have the olahraga training..my day will be full and no time for outing..yeay..that's my aim actually..susah2 i'll tell everything here then no need for update anymore kn??agree everyone??easiest way for myself kn..(this going to make the gunung berapi memuntahkan segala lava yg ade..)tp nnt xtau la your story..but there's always a way to know bout you.. XDD
Eh, dh slh masuk cter plak..this supposed to be this camping entry..haiyaa..
want to share bout the survivor things which all participant have to take part..they have to make dish for 10 people..time ni lah segala suara kedengaran disana-sini..sungguh seronok hamba meng'observe'nye..they're provided with ayam,telur and kobis..sungguh terserlah segala skill yg ade..ade yg msk tp xmsk..ade yg msk ala2 hotel..sungguh xsngke plak..klu la diorng bleh wat cmtu kt hutan btol..i'm willing to stay kat hutan forever..hahaha..
sampai disini sajalah yg dapat hamba berstorie ye..esk ade klas and my mom already bising sbb to much sports less study..keje bnyk menimbun kt meja xabis lg..dh la rutin dh start..cari nahas ni..bye2..love you MR -S-D-W-!!

ini lah saya bersama-sama mereka yg terlibat..peserta bersama saya dan rakan2..
Staying up till morning being 'jaga' are the most exciting experience..while staying up late, my frens and I start sharing ghost storie which end up frightened us to go somewhere alone..(lawak sungguh kami ini)..so much things to share takut plak nnt tak cukup space nk tulis..(this will never ever happen..sje nk gimik lebih)
actually this camping not meant for me..just teman my sister which this is her first time..but I end up joining the camping through all their activity....sgt lah menyebok smpai tersgt la pnt sbb bnyk sgt keje..hahaha..pdn muke spe srh menyebok..
MR -S-D-W- sorrie for not update you for this past three days..sgt busy with the camping and there's no time for you..hahaha..actually enjoying the camping so much and totally forget to update..sorie2..
we walked about 7km around shah alam yesterday...having so much fun and this is the time all participant true colour shows..sgt la bnyk kerenah mereka semua ini..sampai dah tak cukup otak nak melayan..hahaha..(my words are so bombastik due to severe damaged..hahaha)but at least i'm having fun..that's my priority..
forgot plak..next week i'll be joining another camping activity..wohoo..this time only for two days..again MR -S-D-W- don't be mad if i didn't update.. :D
after that i'll have the olahraga training..my day will be full and no time for outing..yeay..that's my aim actually..susah2 i'll tell everything here then no need for update anymore kn??agree everyone??easiest way for myself kn..(this going to make the gunung berapi memuntahkan segala lava yg ade..)tp nnt xtau la your story..but there's always a way to know bout you.. XDD
Eh, dh slh masuk cter plak..this supposed to be this camping entry..haiyaa..
want to share bout the survivor things which all participant have to take part..they have to make dish for 10 people..time ni lah segala suara kedengaran disana-sini..sungguh seronok hamba meng'observe'nye..they're provided with ayam,telur and kobis..sungguh terserlah segala skill yg ade..ade yg msk tp xmsk..ade yg msk ala2 hotel..sungguh xsngke plak..klu la diorng bleh wat cmtu kt hutan btol..i'm willing to stay kat hutan forever..hahaha..
sampai disini sajalah yg dapat hamba berstorie ye..esk ade klas and my mom already bising sbb to much sports less study..keje bnyk menimbun kt meja xabis lg..dh la rutin dh start..cari nahas ni..bye2..love you MR -S-D-W-!!

ini lah saya bersama-sama mereka yg terlibat..peserta bersama saya dan rakan2..
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