to see his smile more than enough for me than having his love that would make someone else suffer more than me...
to love someone not always meant you have to get or have them..
juz get to see his smile with happiness shine through his face are more valuable things i could ever have..
his love ones is far better than me and i shall back of from this game of love..
my heart bursting their tears right now but this juz another things i've to bear to move on in my life..
i wonder why i always fall for the wrong person??
maybe the pain i felt right now is a sign that i should not open my heart to someone else again..
so i don't have to endure such this pain again and again..
never thought this would happen to me so many time..
and every single time it's happen it made me realize there's only one love that will last forever
the love to ALLAH..
right now i'm learning to give my love and only love just for HIM ..
not to anyone else that will then hurt myself in the end
HE would always listen to me, hear all burdens i felt
never tired to hear what i say and always there for me
always give what i want..for things he gave he never ask for payment but I juz need to obey him which will lead to more good things for my life..
this test you made me through juz made me realize LOVE is only for YOU
the start of my new life begin with all my love is just for YOU
i shall now closed my heart and move on my life...
there's no more love to spread cause it always for YOU..
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Should I...
Should I message him,
Should I forget him,
Should I juz let this feeling blow away,
Should I juz wait and see,
or should I juz move on...
few days they had been rolling in my mind..
should I this or should I that..
Should I message him??
what if he don't even want to be my friend ,
what if he already have a girlfriend,
question answered with question..
Should I forget him??
than this is what pop up in my mind..
more question left without an answer
Should I let this feeling blow away??
my heart say no..
suffered enough with unanswered question this one juz add more to it..hmmm..
why do I fall for u at the first place?? even better if we never met..
Should I juz wait and see??
What to waiting for and waiting juz to see more thing that will make myself suffer??
this one really made my mind go off the track..
should I juz move on??
done this thousand of time..can i bear with this anymore??
found someone and do nothing but juz let it go??
what a coward person I am..
give up and doing nothing..such a nonsense...
should I this and should I that..
someone please give me an answer..
what should i do??
waiting, move on or just ignore this feeling??
Should I forget him,
Should I juz let this feeling blow away,
Should I juz wait and see,
or should I juz move on...
few days they had been rolling in my mind..
should I this or should I that..
Should I message him??
what if he don't even want to be my friend ,
what if he already have a girlfriend,
question answered with question..
Should I forget him??
than this is what pop up in my mind..
"What if he do like me and I only realize when there's someone else??"
more question left without an answer
Should I let this feeling blow away??
my heart say no..
suffered enough with unanswered question this one juz add more to it..hmmm..
why do I fall for u at the first place?? even better if we never met..
Should I juz wait and see??
What to waiting for and waiting juz to see more thing that will make myself suffer??
this one really made my mind go off the track..
should I juz move on??
done this thousand of time..can i bear with this anymore??
found someone and do nothing but juz let it go??
what a coward person I am..
give up and doing nothing..such a nonsense...
should I this and should I that..
someone please give me an answer..
what should i do??
waiting, move on or just ignore this feeling??
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
must be wonder what kind of story would it be..even equation could be my story..figuring it out for days have the courage to write..
met him for the first comel..that's what spill from my mind..hahaha XD
so gatal la this NURUL :P
first impression always stick to our tiny little MR. MEMORY right...wonder who is he, what's his name made my day gone without realizing it..see the smile on his face for all the day made me fall in love without any warning from my brain to my heart..why is it we always fall for someone that is hard to get??..hmmm..wonder why..
first time met him at the family day thing, his dad and my dad work at the same place la...first i don't wanna join the thing but to take care all of my sisters have to la..(nampak sgt xikhlas kn) i noticed him when he played "lari dalam guni" game..i was there to take pictures..never thought gonna met him there..hahaha..
after all the acara padang we have dinner..all of us have to first a lit bit malas coz penat, then my dad said
sampai kt dewan or sumthing look like foyer they assign us to sit the table behind my dad..mke dh ala2 mcm cpt lah bnde nie habis
then happy time coming...WE'RE AT THE SAME TABLE!!..
spending time with him all night feel like i'm the happiest person in the world..but of course la not alone kan..with all my siblings are there hope he didn't noticed I always curi2 pandang to him..after dinner i went upstairs to my room, before dat already said to him "malam nie nk turun tgk chelsea lwn la"..he juz smile and walk my room i decided to take nap before the match..arghh..damn it, to tired to wake up..tlajak tido smpai pg..
MENYESAL smpai hari nie tau x!! i keep saying " klu la turun mlm tu mst dh bleh mntk no phone die!!"
ceh muke xtau malu btol..hahaha.. XPP
but after all thanks to the person who organized this family day thing..klu tak jgn hrp la nk knl ngan die kn...
something suddenly made me stop from saying those line....
He add me!!
but happy always come with sad..i think he fall for my sister la..
then i got he's phone number but yet don't have enough courage to text him :(
my sister said..wait la until he asked yours..
BUT WHAT IF HE NEVER ASKED!! sad la..wish i could say that
till i can have have ur less than 3..
i'm looking forward to it..
must be wonder what kind of story would it be..even equation could be my story..figuring it out for days have the courage to write..
met him for the first comel..that's what spill from my mind..hahaha XD
so gatal la this NURUL :P
first impression always stick to our tiny little MR. MEMORY right...wonder who is he, what's his name made my day gone without realizing it..see the smile on his face for all the day made me fall in love without any warning from my brain to my heart..why is it we always fall for someone that is hard to get??..hmmm..wonder why..
first time met him at the family day thing, his dad and my dad work at the same place la...first i don't wanna join the thing but to take care all of my sisters have to la..(nampak sgt xikhlas kn) i noticed him when he played "lari dalam guni" game..i was there to take pictures..never thought gonna met him there..hahaha..
after all the acara padang we have dinner..all of us have to first a lit bit malas coz penat, then my dad said
"mane boleh sume org ank2 die pg"afterthat i'm rushing to the toilet getting ready for the dinner...why??coz if everbody bring their kids means he's gonna be there..hahaha XPP
sampai kt dewan or sumthing look like foyer they assign us to sit the table behind my dad..mke dh ala2 mcm cpt lah bnde nie habis
then happy time coming...WE'RE AT THE SAME TABLE!!..
spending time with him all night feel like i'm the happiest person in the world..but of course la not alone kan..with all my siblings are there hope he didn't noticed I always curi2 pandang to him..after dinner i went upstairs to my room, before dat already said to him "malam nie nk turun tgk chelsea lwn la"..he juz smile and walk my room i decided to take nap before the match..arghh..damn it, to tired to wake up..tlajak tido smpai pg..
MENYESAL smpai hari nie tau x!! i keep saying " klu la turun mlm tu mst dh bleh mntk no phone die!!"
ceh muke xtau malu btol..hahaha.. XPP
but after all thanks to the person who organized this family day thing..klu tak jgn hrp la nk knl ngan die kn...
something suddenly made me stop from saying those line....
He add me!!
but happy always come with sad..i think he fall for my sister la..
then i got he's phone number but yet don't have enough courage to text him :(
my sister said..wait la until he asked yours..
BUT WHAT IF HE NEVER ASKED!! sad la..wish i could say that
I LESS THAN 3 YOUmake u wonder what that suppose to mean until u got it right..but it will remain as a wish..
till i can have have ur less than 3..
i'm looking forward to it..
Monday, February 8, 2010
2 years of my life without u guys juz make me feel like i'm dragging myself to hell...wish that u guys could always be by my side..sharing stories like old time, gosipping about things we don't like..ahhh..what a happy moment back then..can't we juz always be 17 for all of our life but no more SPM!!hahaha..things would never go like we want la kn..
Haiyaa!!how come i'm not missing u guys..yg dua tu tercampak kat MELAKA yg sorang lg kt i'm alone at the same place and not going anywhere..hahaha XDD
I miss all u guys punye gadoh2 things bout sumthing that not really to be gadoh for..
miss IHSAN'S line
not to forget another line from FARIS our most rambut terpacak guy..
Ihsan skrg yg dh HOT!! *kening2
Dj radio yg tak lapuk dek panas XD..go ANISUDIN go!!
Rambut still steady..FARIS!!
Wish all of us could get together back..don't forget me who never go anywhere nor do anything else then waiting for u guys!!(jgn mrh klu bz and tak sempat nk jmpe :P)
Haiyaa!!how come i'm not missing u guys..yg dua tu tercampak kat MELAKA yg sorang lg kt i'm alone at the same place and not going anywhere..hahaha XDD
I miss all u guys punye gadoh2 things bout sumthing that not really to be gadoh for..
miss IHSAN'S line
what to do i'm so fabulous..miss the radio dj thing which specially made for II and NA from ANISUDIN..u would say sumthing like
lagu ini ditujukan kepada pasangan II dan NA..damn it I miss it so much la!!
not to forget another line from FARIS our most rambut terpacak guy..
tu sume tadehal la weyh...juz love u guys so damn much...

Wish all of us could get together back..don't forget me who never go anywhere nor do anything else then waiting for u guys!!(jgn mrh klu bz and tak sempat nk jmpe :P)
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