Haiyaa!!how come i'm not missing u guys..yg dua tu tercampak kat MELAKA yg sorang lg kt JOHOR..now i'm alone at the same place and not going anywhere..hahaha XDD
I miss all u guys punye gadoh2 things bout sumthing that not really to be gadoh for..
miss IHSAN'S line
what to do i'm so fabulous..miss the radio dj thing which specially made for II and NA from ANISUDIN..u would say sumthing like
lagu ini ditujukan kepada pasangan II dan NA..damn it I miss it so much la!!
not to forget another line from FARIS our most rambut terpacak guy..
tu sume tadehal la weyh...juz love u guys so damn much...

Wish all of us could get together back..don't forget me who never go anywhere nor do anything else then waiting for u guys!!(jgn mrh klu bz and tak sempat nk jmpe :P)
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