Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm a Clown

we know that they bring smile to kids..
adore them so much..
how they try to cheer someone life..
they are so adorable..
i'm trying so hard to be one of them..

ramadhan datang membawa keberkatan..
7 days puasa dah..:)
raya pun dah dekat..
bunga api dah banyak terbakar..
berazam nak buat banyak-banyak amal..
harap akan berterusan la..

Cerita ramadhan saya..
my bibik sudah balik indon..
my life now more brighter :)
hahaha..evil me..
i'm enjoying my ramadhan to the fullest..
hahaha.even i have to clean my house..but i'm happy with it..
I'm the clown..how could we stay with the mood when i'm around..
my sister said that..hahaha..
maybe my jiran pun boleh terkejut kalau tengok saya di rumah..
mak cik jangan pengsan dah la.. XD
life without laughter is boring..
every single day i spend my night telling joke to my siblings..
my mom sleep early but i end up making my sisters stay up late night..
can't sleep because of non stop jokes..
can't even stop laughing..
from voice up to body moves..
macam - macam saya buat..
kadang-kadang saya memang boleh jadi mereng..
tapi rase macam selalu je..hahaha
saya nyanyi macam2 lagu..macam2 versi..
dari macho sampailah ke gedik..
puasa2 ni banyak pulak main..ish2..

I'm happy-go-lucky person..
jadi my sister memang penat la nak gelak dengan perangai saya..
owh..kawan2 mesti macam terkejut kalau tengok saya..
yelah..dalam kelas diam je..
nasib baik takde video..kalau tak, mesti famous satu malaya..
dari pop sampai ke nasyid..macam2 tarian saya buat..
india, cina, melayu, iban..senang cakap..macam2 lah..
one day, i start my late night show..
one of my sister dah tidur..
she wake up and get angry..then sleep again..
we end up making joke about that whole night..hahaha
mengigau agaknya..sorry ye..rancangan kami boleh berterusan sampai ke sahur..
jiran2 mesti bengang je dengan kitorang..
minta ampun mak cik..

clown can't stop smiling..
if i'm being a clown can make them happy i'm willing to struggle for that..
being a clown can make them feel that i'm liable to trust for...i'm willing to be their clown for the rest of the life..
being a clown can blow they bad mood away..nothing can stop me for being it..
i don't care how people might say about me..as long my siblings can feel my love for them..it don't bother me :)
after all i'm a clown..

P/S:love is what i give them..tears is what i wipe away for them..only their smile can make my day..

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