Wednesday, December 1, 2010

2 perkataan yang seakan serupa??serupa ke??

kalau kite perasan banyak perkataan yang bunyi hampir serupa tapi maksud die tak same..
kadang nurul pun confuse gak..hahaha..termengaku lah pulak
nak jadi cerita..dah yang cakap cerita pasal lain yang dengar pulak paham lain..

dalam bm pun banyak sampai tak terkira tapi nurul nak cerita pasal bi jugak..hahaha (ngade2 kn??)
al kisahnya mcm ni..
Dua org kwn ni dh kwn dari kecik sampai la besar, org sampai ingt diorg bercinta...yelah mne tak skolah sme2, mkn sme2..cuma mandi je lah tak same..knape?? haram tu...
mne bleh laki ngan perempuan bukan muhrim mandi sme2..

budak pemrempuan ni plak perangai die pelik2 so ble die tanye soalan ke suruh budak laki ni buat something die ikut jelah tapi kali nie die mmg btol pelik dengan kawan die tu..
cerita dia mcm ni..

Budak perempuan : Weyh ko tlg pegang chess aku ni kjp..
    Time ni budak laki tu dah pelik dah..

Budak laki: ko ni biar betul??
Budak perempuan : cepat skit bleh tak aku nak test satu benda!!

   Budak laki dah makin pelik..

Budak laki : ko sure ke nak srh aku pegang??

    Minah ni biar betul..dh buang tebiat agknye nak srh aku pgg dada die sesuka hati je..

Budak perempuan: Weyh cepat la ambik chess board nie aku nak test kukuh ke tak!!

Budak laki: Chess board??owh..ok2..

Korg rase klakar tak?? even diorg kwn baik pun aku rase budak perempuan tu tak gile lagi nk srh budak laki tu pegang chest die tak tak??
mase aku dgr diorg ckp tu aku mcm dh nk gelak guling depan diorg..
mcm mne lah budak laki tu bleh pikir smpai ke situ..ish3..

susah jgk kn bnyk perkataan yg hampir same maksud nie..
kadang org msg kat kite "kamu semak balik"
tapi kite dah terasa ingat org ckp kite mnyemak pastu srh blk..
dh merajuk plak..

tp kan banyak maksud ni kdg2 senang kan kte jgk..bleh kena kan jgn lah buat..kesian org yg terkena tu..sakit hati diorg nnt..
Ok lah, nurul pun ade kerja lg..bye2!!

P/S: Dia skrg tgh ssh, busy smpai takde mase untuk diri sendiri..
      hrp Allah akn permudahkan segala untk die..
        jage kesihatan awak..saya jauh nak jage awak..
       klu nak jenguk pun.. ntah2 saya sampai sana awak dh sihat pun..
       saya faham perasaan mak ayah awak bila diorg srh awak berhenti..
       klu boleh saya pun nak awak berhenti,,tapi itu minat awak..
       saya sokong semua keputusan awak!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

buka mata dan minda..

today saya bersama rakan-rakan..
eh knape nak bahase rojak sgt ni??

try skit ckp luar biase..
wa ari ni lepak2 ngan member wa kat area banting..
wa cakap beb..mmg luas permandangan cuma tak cukup mata nak memandang..
der lu jgn xcaye..banyak benda bleh dapat kat banting..
name je ala-ala mak limah lenggang tapi pergh..superb!!
wa pun dah penat la nak ckap cmni der...
wa bukan nye nak reti sangat slang2 ni kan..

ckp mcm ni la pulak..
saya berjalan meneroka alam semulajadi dari rawang sehingga ke banting..
setibanya di banting, saya bersama rakan-rakan melawati setiap tempat yang kami rasakan cukup menarik dan boleh dijadikan kenangan..
saya juga merasakan sesiapa yang membaca blog ini meremang bulu roma apabila membaca karya saya pada kali ini..
saya sudah pun dapat merasakan kepenatan yang dialami minda anda..
okay la...cukup2 la tu nurul nak bermain dengan bahasa..
nak cakap melayu pun tak berape nak btol nak blagak plak gune sleng rakyat jelata malaysia..hahaha

korang tengok ni..kan meriah die punye papan tanda korang ade gini??

orait..bermulah kisah yang sebenar-benarnya...
hari ni memang nurul enjoy sgt2!!(15/9/10)
seronok habis!!(seronok pun bleh habis kan..)
berjalan dari rawang ke uitm shah alam untuk menghadiri kuliah dan seterusnya meneruskan masa senggang yang ada untuk menikmati keindahan bumi malaysia..
dengan bajet yang ciput ,masa yg pendek, kebenaran yg terhad..
geng nurul dan rakan2 menikmati percutian terhebat di alam semesta.. (ade ala2 mcm iklan honeystar tak??)
(dah mula nak melalut2 la ni..)

sampai je kat banting..kawan ku yg bernama sham rekemen la kt ktorg rojak mee kt banting..uish tgh kebulok tak sarapan pekena lagi masakan yg mmg sedap hingga menjilat pinggan..terbaik sungguh momen itu..hahaha

Ni lah Sham...Hensem kan??die ni la navigator nurul :P
Sham jgn mrh..hihihi

terliur tak korang tengok ni??mesti nye..jgn tipu..hahaha..

abis je makan..nurul pun memulakan penerokaan..hahaha..weyh org banting sporting weyh..jumpe apek jual pisang siap bleh tangkap gambar ngan pisang die..huhuhu..kitorang pun bila org dah pelawa ape lagi..mula buat ala2 mcm tempat sendiri..tak malu btol..haish..lepas tu nurul buat kenangan depan sign board PLKN..tak masuk kem dapat posing ngan signboard pun jadilah..

Thanks apek bg depa ni posing kat pisang

dah posing habis comel dah ni... :P

Kitorang pi Jugra..mula2 mcm seram je sbb tak tau pe ade kat situ..tapi banyak yg kitorang dapat nurul memang jakun tengok sume benda so jgn la ngata plak..sori la kampung saya di saya tak rase mcm ape orang lain rase..(ayt menganjing)
mule dah meroyan die..hahaha
sorie la..nurul mmg suka melalut..
sambung balik..tau tak..ok sure korang jwb tak tau punye..
nurul dapat tengok sampah bertimbun..hahaha..jakun tak??
ok sekolah mmg ade sampah bertimbun..and jgn ckp nurul tak pi sekolah..hahaha(weyh mcm xde kena mngena..)
yg paling best ktorg trjumpa plak tempat askar buat latihan..mmg tak tau pun kt situ diorg wat latihan..ktorang main redah je kot..
ade abg tough..macho..bajet hensem pun ade..alaa kata manusia..mst la mcm2 ragam kan..

Kitorng pun belatih gak..belatih posing..cheese!!

Skrg ade ke kete cmni kat jln raye??

lepas puas cuci mate mesti perut lapar dak??ape lagi pekena bbq la pulak..ktorg pun pi la tepi pantai..dgn brg sume tak bawak mmg kabut abis ae kitorng ni..cube bayangkan dah la nk wat bbq tgh2 hari bolong(ok ni mcm seram)..brg ape sume tak bwk yg ade hot dog mentah, cendawan mentah, jagung mentah..ok yg mentah2 belaka la sume yg ktorg bwk..pak cik2 nelayan dok pandang kitorg..mesti diorg pikir budak2 ni gile apa..nak bakar2 tgh2 panas ni..terbakar bru pdn muke(ok ini tak logik)tibe nurul dengan gembira menjerit kesyukuran..melutut sambil tangan menadah ke langit..(ok ini sumpah drama lebih)..kitorg jumpe brg2 untuk bbq..dari jaring sampai ke arang sume free..ini bukan drama kat tv yg korng slalu tgk..tup2 dh tersedia..tak ini benar!!mmg tak tipu..ktorg pun lps cuci2 jaring sume ktorg pun hidup api and Start the PARTY!!

Kitorng mmg org bandar..tapi ktorng tau mcm mne nk hidupkn tak??

Disebabkan nurul ni hantu makan so ape je yg halal, dan selamat di makan on jelah..weyh ade satu citer lawak kat tepi pantai yg indah ni weyh..kawan nurul punye bersih tahap gaban boleh tak nak makan bbq sbb..sbb banyak kuman weyh..gelak guling2...pastu die balik umah minum sepuluh botol yakult..padehal die tak tau yang yakult pun kuman..(gelak sampai leleh dah ni)
pada kawan nurul tu..jgn la marah..nnt tak de bab seronok kalau tak harms ok..

Lepas bbq jangan tak caye ktorg pg makan cendol serius nurul mmg jakun tahap berok nampak pisang..mamak tu kisar ais guna tangan..sumpah jakun..mmg the best ae cendol die..sampai termimpi mkn cendol dgn en. dong-dong mlm tu..tu dia punya penangan..(jgn la korg bce sampai takut nak bawak awek or bf korg pi minum kt situ)..ok korg mesti mcm tertnye2 en. dong-dong tu name mamak buat cendol ke??..tak!!sumpah tak..tu la buah hati kesayangan nuru..malam tak tido dengan dia bleh nightmare oww...hihihi..(kantoi sudah)

Ane ni kontrol macho.. tengok..nurul tak tipu..die guna tgn..

Lepas abis mkn cendol..kitorg pe lg..bye2 otw balik ni tgh best2 lyn jam ade pula penghibur hati..comel sungguh budak ni..

mula2 mcm malu je..

dah start bg posing...

baik punye posing!!

Habis dah cerita perantaun Nurul..seronok jugak jd gile2 mcm ni kadang2..tapi kalau selalu kang check in kat tanjung rambutan korang cuba lah buka mind korang..jgn asyik nak bercuti kt luar negara..mcm org kate..oversea gitu baru ade klas..klu nk oversea sgt..sabah, sarawak ade..baru ekonomi maju..(ceh2..ayt mcm bagos)hidup malaysia!!

P/S: Bercuti tak yah nak tunggu duit banyak..mmg takkan cuti la kalau mcm tu..ingat yg penting enjoy, have fun..tak payah jauh..dalam umah pun boleh..hahaha

Friday, October 22, 2010

sly thieft and silence killer

this is the most i'm afraid of..
this kind of things..stealing things slyly from my possession..
without any sounds killing me slowly from inside..
no warning to alarm my mind, suddenly i loss my conscious..

semua orang akan rasa benda ni sume..tipu la kalau korang cakap korang tak penah kena..memang PENIPU besar la korang..kenapa aku cakap macam tu??
baca dulu bagi habis boleh tak??
haish korang ni..kena la bace sampai ending bru bleh wat conclusion..
ade ke korang tgk movie bru separuh pastu korang boleh tau pe jadi time ending..(klu kawan korang dh bgtau, korang dh tgk for 2nd time..itu tak aci ok..hahaha)

macam2 orang cakap kat sesape yg kena benda ni...ade yang kesian, ade yang gelak kat korang, ade yang happy(tak tau la ni baik ke buruk :P ).. macam2 penah aku tengok..tipu la klu aku cakap aku tak penah rase ape yang orang2 tu penah rase..sakit kalau itu yang korang nak, seronok kalau tu yg korg decide la sendiri..

aku tak tipu..benda ni betul..korang tak perasan bile mase die curi brg korang..tau2 dh mcm mayat hidup..
mungkin time korang tgh makan..
time tgh mandi..
time tgh mimpi(tapi ni logik ke?)
time tgh sms..
time tgh online..
time tgh lepak..
aku tak tau and aku tak sure..yang aku pasti korang akan sedar bile benda tu dah kena curi..

ok, skrg aku nak tanye...korang sedar ke kalau ade orang dah curi hati korang??
ataupun korang sedar ke yg korang dh curi hati org lain??ni mesti lah korang lg tak sedarkan??
mcm mne boleh jd silence killer??
time hati korang dh kena curik tu...
korang MATI selera makan..
MATI mood nak melepak..
MATI minda sedar korang..
jangan nak kate tak sbb aku pun penah rase jugak..
makin bnyak yg akan MATI makin korang pendam je..

TAPI!!!kalau korang berani nak mintak diorang pulangkan..
korang maybe akan kena reject (sbb tu la aku ckp nnt org kesian, and time ni die-hard-fans diorg sure2 happy punye)
maybe akan dimalukan dpn org (ni la sbb korng kena gelak)
maybe korang dapat ape yg korang nk.. (time ni pun org happy untuk korang)

tang happy or sakit tu korang pilih la..
yelah kalau dah tau si pencuri ni perangai macam MR.Tanduk yg korang nak pi tergila-gila kat depa tu wat pe la..pi cari yg baik skit..pi sana..
tapi kalau dah nak jugak..aku bukan bleh wat ape pun..sakit sendiri tanggung la kan..

Depa ni muke je comel

yang layan korang bak bidadari ni pun kadang bahaya gak..selalunye MR.Buaya je wat korang mcm tu..jadi hati2 skit..jgn dh frust menonggeng baru nak menyesal..itu sudah terlambat ok..

sikit punye manis die senyum

tapi jangan la pulak dah die mmg baik ,korang pi fire die ckp die buaya tembaga la, buaya gatal dan mcm2 buaya lagi la..sian kat depa..aku suruh hati2 bukan anggap sumenye sama..haish..

Diorg ni tak bersalah..

nak cakap banyak pun tak bleh, experience pun takde so takat sini dulu lah..nnt2 agk2 dh bnyk info aku share lg ngan korg..INGAT!!cinta tu pembunuh dalam senyap!!BAHAYA!!tapi baik korg elakkan lah bercinta2 ni..bukan nak tunjuk baik, just nak share nasihat..nnt lepas kawin korang nak becinta sampai meroyan pun aku tak kisah..

P/S: Bercinta mmg best tapi risiko yg korg tanggung lagi best :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Menyanyi itu hobi..

lama sudah meninggalkan blog yg dikasihi...
busy punye pasal terpaksa la wa lupe lu sume sekejap..
ingat tau sekejap je..bukan wa tak sayang lu orang der..tapi bnyak lagi yang wa nak kena wat..
adik aku pun start lalu lalang sambil cakap
'lu ape citer tulis macam ni, bahasa lu dah korup ke??'

aku dah siap ambik bantal nak baling, alih2 dia berdiri sblah suis sambil sengih2..
cis!!dia menang..

mmg pelik pun klu aku cakap mcm kat ats kan..
bahasa melayu pun tak berapa nak maju konon nak gune slang rakyat jelata..
aku panggil loghat2 org cakap ni slang rakyat jelata..sebab aku rase spe2 je bleh gune slang yg diorg suke dan bahagia mendengar..
aku tak berape nak setuju kalau org cakap yg cakap mcm ni
"chek nak pi kedai sat no"
adalah org utara..
logaht ni org utara je pakai..
tpu...kawan chek yg study kat utara la ni blik sume ckp lagu ni..
hah..kan slang rakyat jelata namanye tu..
sume org bleh pakai takde nak kne mintak permission ke ape ke..

sudah2 cerita pasal bahasa nie..nanti malu plak kalau terkantoi yg aku ni ade masalah dlm bahasa..hihihi(la dah terconfess la plak..hish!)
balik pada main point kte..menyanyi itu salah satu hobi aku..
jangan dan2 korng habis je bace statement di atas dah mule la nak ckp..
die ni tak malu..pkai konon je sopan tapi hobi nyanyi..suara tu aurat jugak..baik die tak payah pakai tudung klu mcm tu..stop it!!and don't ever dare to think about it, don't criticizes before you know the full story..ayt tu masih tergantung ye kawan2 sekalian..
saya hanya menyanyi bile bersama rakan2 yg terdiri dari kanak2 bawah 5 thn, mereka yg merasakan dirinye wanita yg sejati..bukan yg ala2 gitu..dan keluarga saya...

saya dengan bangganye mengaku yang suare saya ini sgtlah sumbang untuk dipedengarkan tapi saya tak rasa malu untuk menyanyi bila bersama mereka yg bersesuaian..itu hobi saya dan saya gembira..bila aku cakap mcm ni aku teringat kt besfren2 aku time kt skolah dulu..ktorg slalu msg menggunakan bahasa baku bagi menjana minda ke arah melahirkan ayt yg gramatis..hihihi..
ayat gramatis adalah pesanan wajib yg akan dinyatakan oleh Puan Siti Fatimah, cikgu bm ktorg setiap kali die masuk ke dalam kelas..
tapi sampai skrang aku tak faham2 lagi ape itu ayt gramatis..sorie offense!

makin banyak aku bercerita psl hobi aku makin terserlah pulak yg aku ni kureng dalam bab bahasa ni..ish3..tapi tak pe berani mengaku dan terus maju tu bagos kn??
puji diri sendiri la plak kn..jgn marah sbb kite dah tersasar jauh dari landasan asal..

bab menyanyi ni aku mewarisi dari mak aku yang suare merdu beralun mengikut irama..
aku cakap betol wei..dengar skit mak aku nyanyi..uish cair den yg mendengar..
tapi aku ni pulak ade msalah dngn sound system jd bunyi tu tak berapa nak merdu la kan..

dalam kelas aku suke menyanyi untuk hiburkan hati kawan yg ddk kat sblah..sian die sampai tak bleh nak wat keje sbb gelak kat aku..aku ni kelakar die cakap..
ape yg klakar nye?tu kne la tnye tuan punya badan sbb aku pun tak tau..

sbb mak aku yg ajr menyanyi jd lagu yg aku nyanyi mesti la versi2 klasik ye dak??
salah!!mak aku ni dah maju mcm2 lagu die bleh nyanyi cume ank die ni yg dok minat sgt kat klasik punye lagu..hampeh punye anak..

aku minat sgt lagu dalam cerita bawang putih bawang merah..opss bukan drama bersiri indon ye..tapi yg diterbitkan oleh oleh negara tercinta..

'laju,laju buaiku laju..'

lebih kurang gitu la bunyi nye...(faris aku tau kau mesti gelak kaw2 punye baca entry ni)

so ape pendapat korg??tak slhkan klu aku ade hobi menyanyi ni??klu korg still rse tak patut jgk.tingal2 lah comment kat aku ye..bleh gak tau pendapat org..tak maju hidup klu asyik nak menang sendiri..ingat aku menyanyi untuk menghiburkan hati yg halal mendengar suara aku bukan mencari populariti..bukan cara hidup aku begitu..
last but not least..enjoy my fav song..

lagu lama banyak maksudnye

p/s: hidup bukan hanya dunia kita yang wujud..mengenali yg lain dan menerima sesebuah pendapat mewujudkan dunia yg lebih bermakna... :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Please return my soul

Lama aku menatap empat segi di depan ini..
don't know how to write..
what to write..
what tittle to put on..
my heart now doesn't seems like mine..
every single things i do..there must be something wrong..
no more tears to burst out..i'm tired of it..
being happy just for them really make my life up side down..
how long can i hold long i have the power to cheer them up??
always wonder about this thing..
doesn't mean i'm burden about them..
they're my precious can i bear to see them sad..
my heart will fall into pieces just see their mood turn down..
my mind feel like going crazy when they break into tears..

just see how happy i am can light up their mood a bit..
how can i let them tears are to precious to burst out..even single drop can make them huru - hara..
menangis di sejadah sudah menjadi rutin harian tengah malam ku..
kepadaNYA aku mengadu..aku meminta pertolongan..kekuatan..
penat ku..lelah ku..I keep to myself..nak mengadu pun rasa takut..
sakit dia berganda lebih hebat dari yang aku rasa..
melihat ramai yang menghidap penyakitnya menyambut seruan ILAHI..
aku menjadi takut..
bergetar lutut untuk terus gagah berdiri..
hidupku bagaimana nanti??
terjaminkah masa depan aku dan adik-adik ku..
mampukah aku memikul tanggungjawab yang besar ini??
dia lah sebahagian besar dari kekuatan aku..
rebahlah aku jika ditinggalkan..
bagaimana untuk terus melangkah ke hadapan??
sekiranya dia meninggalkan aku..
gelap gelita lah seluruh hidupku..
butalah untuk terus mara..

kisah hidupku kini jatuh ke tangga yang ke berapa aku sendiri kurang pasti..
yang utama kini bukanlah tentang hati atau perasaan ku lagi..
aku hanya mampu berdoa untuk itu..
ya memang aku mahu mempunyai cinta seperti yang lain..
tapi buat aku sekarang cinta yang aku miliki lebih bermakna untuk dilepaskan dari mencari yang belum pasti..
cinta yang belum pasti aku jumpa penggantinya..
cinta yang tak pernah padam walau aku sering kali berpaling tadah..
menyayangi yang belum pasti lebih daripadanya..
dia yang menjadi tempat aku bergantung..tanpanya mana mungkin aku berada di sini..

aku harus kuat..ayat yang sering aku ucapkan sebelum dan ketika bangun tidur..
bersedia menghadapi segala kemungkinan..keberanian perlu berada di tahap paling maksima..
kesabaran didahulukan sebelum melatah..
tapi aku takut aku rebah jatuh menyembam ke bumi sebelum sempat berbuat apa-apa..
Ya..Aku harus ingat..Allah sentiasa disisiku..tapi syaitan juga tak lupa akan tugasnya..
tamaklah aku sekiranya aku memohon untuk dia sentiasa bersama ku..
dia hanya pinjaman kepadaku..mana mungkin aku memiliknya secara mutlak..
cepat atau lambat..cuma itu persoalannya..
persiapan perlu aku lakukan..
mencari pengganti untuknya adalah mustahil..
sekalipun yang terbaik di muka bumi ini..yang paling sempurna..
tempatnya takkan dapat diganti oleh mana-mana manusia di muka bumi ini..
perginya dia..biarlah aku menggalas segalanya..aku lebih rela daripada diberi ganti yang lain..

Ya Allah, ampunkan hambamu yang sentiasa merintih dengan ujianmu..
aku mohon kepadamu..hanya kepadamu aku meminta..
bantulah hambamu yang hina ini untuk meneruskan hidupnya..
berilah hambamu ini kejayaan di dunia dan di akhirat..AMIN

P/S:You are my special :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm a Clown

we know that they bring smile to kids..
adore them so much..
how they try to cheer someone life..
they are so adorable..
i'm trying so hard to be one of them..

ramadhan datang membawa keberkatan..
7 days puasa dah..:)
raya pun dah dekat..
bunga api dah banyak terbakar..
berazam nak buat banyak-banyak amal..
harap akan berterusan la..

Cerita ramadhan saya..
my bibik sudah balik indon..
my life now more brighter :)
hahaha..evil me..
i'm enjoying my ramadhan to the fullest..
hahaha.even i have to clean my house..but i'm happy with it..
I'm the could we stay with the mood when i'm around..
my sister said that..hahaha..
maybe my jiran pun boleh terkejut kalau tengok saya di rumah..
mak cik jangan pengsan dah la.. XD
life without laughter is boring..
every single day i spend my night telling joke to my siblings..
my mom sleep early but i end up making my sisters stay up late night..
can't sleep because of non stop jokes..
can't even stop laughing..
from voice up to body moves..
macam - macam saya buat..
kadang-kadang saya memang boleh jadi mereng..
tapi rase macam selalu je..hahaha
saya nyanyi macam2 lagu..macam2 versi..
dari macho sampailah ke gedik..
puasa2 ni banyak pulak main..ish2..

I'm happy-go-lucky person..
jadi my sister memang penat la nak gelak dengan perangai saya..
owh..kawan2 mesti macam terkejut kalau tengok saya..
yelah..dalam kelas diam je..
nasib baik takde video..kalau tak, mesti famous satu malaya..
dari pop sampai ke nasyid..macam2 tarian saya buat..
india, cina, melayu, iban..senang cakap..macam2 lah..
one day, i start my late night show..
one of my sister dah tidur..
she wake up and get angry..then sleep again..
we end up making joke about that whole night..hahaha
mengigau agaknya..sorry ye..rancangan kami boleh berterusan sampai ke sahur..
jiran2 mesti bengang je dengan kitorang..
minta ampun mak cik..

clown can't stop smiling..
if i'm being a clown can make them happy i'm willing to struggle for that..
being a clown can make them feel that i'm liable to trust for...i'm willing to be their clown for the rest of the life..
being a clown can blow they bad mood away..nothing can stop me for being it..
i don't care how people might say about long my siblings can feel my love for don't bother me :)
after all i'm a clown..

P/S:love is what i give them..tears is what i wipe away for them..only their smile can make my day..

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hati ini siapa yang nak dengar..

mengeluh sana sini..human being like me..never satisfied with everything..
Ya Allah, aku ini hamba mu yang lemah..berilah kekuatan untuk mengharungi ujian yang engkau berikan kepada ku..

lepas satu ujian berjaya aku tempuh engkau datang kan lagi ujian kepada hamba mu ini..aku menerima dengan redha..bukan niat untuk mengeluh..sekadar meluah rasa..
aku mohon kepadamu ya Allah kau panjang kan lah umur kedua Ibu bapa ku..aku ini rela menggantikan tempat Ibu ku daripada melihat adik-adik ku hilang tempat berkasih..
berat hati aku merima berita yang baru sampai ke telinga ini..
anak mana yang tak gundah hati bila Ibu disahkan sakit..sakit biasa aku boleh menerima dengan hati yang terbuka tapi meragut nyawa..biarlah aku yang menjadi galang gantinya..

berbagai pesan yang disampaikan..pada aku dia meluah rasa..
Jaga adik nanti elok-elok..
kena kuat, tak boleh jatuh..siapa lagi yang boleh jadi tempat yang lain bergantung kalau aku jatuh..
air mata yang tunggu untuk membasahi pipi, aku tahan..kalau aku yang menjadi tempat dia mendapatkan sokongan menggelabah dengan berita ini..mana lagi sokongan yang dia nak cari..
hidup nanti jangan suka membazir..
kebajikan adik-adik mesti diutamakan
ingat..susah senang biar sama-sama..jangan bila susah je ingat adik2..bile senang adik-adik tinggal terkontang-kanting..
mati itu pasti..
cuma cepat dengan lambat..
ayat ni..aku tak sanggup dengar..
aku mengangguk lemah..
YA ALLAH kau kuat tabahkanlah hati ini menempuhi dugaan mu ini..

Nak meluah rasa pada adik-adik..
dia berpesan..jangan bagitau diorang..
adik-adik kecik lagi tak paham apa-apa..
biar diorang gembira bukan gundah gulana..
nak cari kawan..memikirkan masalah yang dah cukup membebankan mereka..
siapalah aku ini untuk menambahkan lagi bebanan mereka..
memendam rasa sendiri bukan senang untuk aku..

dia tak pernah merungut menjalankan setiap tugas..
aku yang melihat..bagai disiat-siat hati ini..
tiada lagi kah belas kasihan dari yang lain..
Ya allah..permudahkanlah segala urusannya..
kentalnya hatinya melawan rasa..
aku yang ada hanya dapat mendoakan keselamatan dirinya..
setiap kali aku merungut..
dia cakap..dia buat ni ikhlas tak harap belas orang..
biar orang susahkan kita jangan kita susahkan orang..
ingat..hidup biar berbakti jangan termakan budi..

hebatnya engkau memendam rasa..
dengan pelbagai kerenah anak-anak..kau masih utuh berdiri menjalankan tanggungjawab..
biarlah aku sendirian memendam rasa..menanggung derita..
mereka berhak bahagia seadanya..
janji ku..akan aku bimbing mereka hingga menara gading sekiranya engkau tiada..
rasa ku ini hanyalah sekelumit dari penderitaan yang kau tanggung..
siapa yang mendengar??
Yang Maha Esa sentiasa bersama..
ALLAH menjadi tempat aku bergantung...
Takkan lagi aku menelan sendirian sedih yang ada..
Sejadah pasti menjadi teman setia...tempat meluah rasa..
hati ini aku tabahkan menempuhi dugaan di depan mata..

P/S: Dugaan yang datang menguji keimanan..

Berkat IBU paling penting...

sedih mengenangkan diri yang kalah dengan perasaan dan lalai menurut kata...
what your mom says..never take it easy...
menyesal tak kesudah nanti wahai Nurul 'Amirah...

Nurul 'Amirah...kat sekolah sebut nama je orang cakap yg kuat lari tu ke??
sukan..seluruh hidup aku habiskan masa untuk bersukan...
sampai mak cik aku pesan..bagi masa untuk diri sendiri, kita rasa tak nak rehat tapi kalau badan ni boleh menjerit agaknya sampai ke mana ntah dengarnya..
aku tersengih mengingatkan pesan mak cik..sorie mak cik, Nurul ni degil sangat...

Last Saturday aku participate for 100m..manager tak datang..masa tu rasa nak marah je..nak lepuk-lepuk manager tu pun ade gak..tapi aku pujuk hati..Allah tu tahu ape yang dia tentukan untuk aku..kena disqualified tak pasal-pasal..sedih jugak la bile mengenang..
Ahad..200m..masuk sampai 3 dari awal..malang tak berbau orang kata..fininshing line dah makin dekat..tersungkur aku di saat akhir..perbezaan masa 0.01 saat meletakkan aku di tempat ke-4..hati mana tak sedih bile dengar masa yang diumumkan..muka senyum ditayang..hati ni Allah jelah yang tahu..
tapi seronok jugak..dapat jumpe abg PBSM..HENSEM!!hahaha
dah memang tak de rezeki lah kan..awal lagi aku dah tahu takkan boleh punya..kepala dah pening macam nak pitam..dapat no 4 pun dah bagus dari jatuh kat tengah trek..

kawan semua cakap tahun depan ada lagi..aku tersenyum..kalau boleh memang aku nak..tapi diorang siapa untuk tahu kisah aku..

aku dah dapat agak yang aku tak kan menang bila aku balik training and cakap kat Ibu..
Kalau menang ni bu bolah jadi wakil UITM untuk MASUM..

muka Ibu berubah 100%..
tak bagi lah ni..dalam hati dah dapat mengagak..sebab aku dah daftar nama Ibu tak nak tengok aku sedih..dia cakap..hmmm bgus la..
Ibu mana nak tengok anak sedih kan..tapi air muka Ibu pun tak dapat sorok apa yang Ibu rasa kat Mira :)

Balik tournament Ibu tanya macam mana boleh jatuh..aku selamba cakap "dah takde rezeki" Ibu mengangguk je..pastu mulut jahat sangat aku ni..Ibu memang tak bagi mira pegi pun kan kalau menang..suka je nak tanya..dah tak dapat restu memang lah tak menang..

Kenapa lah Ibu selalu je nak berlembut dengan anak-anak..XD
tanyalah pulak..
Ibu jawab
bukan tak bagi, daripada menang lepas tu bercampur dengan budak yang bukan-bukan..Ibu mana yang tak risau..bukan senang orang bertudung nak duduk dalam kelompok yang hampir semuanya tak bertudung..dari anak Ibu rosak lagi baik kalah sekarang..

susah betulkan nak lawan cakap mak ni..betul je ape yang dia cakap..aku je yang degil dari dulu tak nak dengar..hahahaha

Esoknya bila orang tanya asal jatuh..sambil senyum selamba aku cakap..Owh mak tak restu..macam mana nak menang..

INGAT!!restu Ibu yang mengiringi kejayaan awak NURUL 'AMIRAH...bisik aku dalam hati untuk menyedarkan diri yang selalu alpa..

P/S: Buatlah apa yang kedua Ibu Bapa kita restu, nescaya semua akan berjalan lancar..
memberontak dan terlalu mengikut kata hati akan menghancurkan kita pada akhirnya :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Living Things

we all know that all living things have feeling..
especially we human..
so why bother to hurt each other??
we want every each of our friend to care for our feeling but why didn't we start it first??
why must wait for what others do to you and only then you repay them??
can't we just be kind to all..
I know I myself not so good to ask people to do all this..
but at least i try to be good..
Islam itself teach us to be good to all mankind..

we always say that people in overseas are very mean to be racist among themselves..
but in the end..
we malaysian pun pilih kawan jugak..
kalau nak bercinta dengan kaum sendiri je..
ade masalah ke kalau bukan islam masuk islam and kawin dengan orang yang memang asalnya islam??
macam mana Islam nak berkembang, maju and sepakat kalau kita sendiri sebagai orang Islam memandang rendah agama lain..
yes, maybe kita tak suka agama dia tapi ape salah dia??
dia pun berhak untuk mendapat ape yang orang lain dapat..
dia pun manusia macam kita jugak ada hati dan perasaan..
jangan terlalu bangga sebab kita memang dari lahir memang islam..
mungkin mualaf yang convert nie lagi bertaqwa dari kita ni..
kita sepatutnya bimbing diorang nie untuk masuk agama Islam..
ni tak bile kita dengar je Chinese, indian, budha, kristian..
tak nak kawan lah nanti takut terpengaruh..
geli la dengan agama diorang..itulah yang selalu keluar dari mulut setiap dari kita..
kalau macam ni gaya kita macam mana kita nak buktikan pada yang bukan Islam yang agama Islam tak membezakan antara satu sama lain..
Islam ni agama yang mudah..

Kahwin Campur..
kenapa kita nak kecam diorang??
salah ke dia mengajak seseorang tu ke jalan yang benar??
siapa kita nak menetukan siapa layak untu masuk Islam ke tak??
Allah tak membezakan hambanya, kenapa pulak kita sebagai hambanya nak membezakan anatara satu sama lain??Kita ni sama di mata ALLAH..yang membezakan tu amalan kita bukan paras rupa, harta atau berapa lama kita menjadi orang Islam..
mungkin ada yang marah bila saya berkata begini..
tapi siapa lah saya hari ini, kalau tidak kerana nenek saya yang dulunya bukan beragama islam masuk Islam dan berkahwin dengan melayu mungkin saya menjadi penghuni neraka selamanya..nauzubillah!!
saya mungkin tak dapat merasai kemanisan agama Islam seperti mana hari ini..
mungkin saya bukan saya yang anda lihat hari ini..
cukup lah dengan sikap kita yang sering memburukkan mereka yang sebelumnya bukan beragama Islam memeluk Islam...
Sorry to offense..

P/S:Islam agama yang mudah..Janganlah kita memberi orang yang bukan islam persepsi yang negatif tentang agama Islam..tak salah kita ingin berkongsi kemanisan Islam yang kita rasa bersama orang lain..tapi biarlah kena dengan caranya :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Encik Rutin lama sudah tak jumpa!!

Lama sudah tak berjumpa dengan Encik Rutin..around 2-3 month jugak la..
now have to start my routine as usual..
nnt klu tak start skrg pancit pulak nk lari :P
I'm sorry MR S my sports life is more important than you..
won't budge a bit even you offer me lot of things dear MR S..
sorry yaw..but I'll try to spent a little time for you.. :)
haish..slalu tersasar dari trek..
luckily didn't happen whenever i've tournament..hee~~
i think we more like even la MR S..
lately pun you didn't update much bout you..
maybe to busy to care for ur update..
but it's okay for me as long as you stay healthy and happy :)

than as long as I'm happy you will do the same right?? ngee~~ :P
my day will be more busier than before..
if back then i have time to chat with frens and hang out a little..
now my time fully accompanied by my routine..sigh..
but i really enjoying it even though it tiresome ..
healthy life with more routine..that's what i always tell myself whenever i feel wanna back off from my routine day life..
memang sgt penat tau..kadang2 sampai tak terlarat nak bangun pegi klas..
but as a student..klas still klas no matter how tired you're kan??
the lecturer never wait for have to follow with the flow..
Encik Rutin yg dh lame tak la saya rase tak penat (mcm la boleh :P)
susah la saya klu selalu penat..
tapi sebab sport i sacrifice kan mase saya untuk bermain..
hope will have great result in the end..doakan saya ye!!

i've once cried because of my routine..i'm the one who set for higher target..
then feel like wanna back off suddenly when seeing others doing so great without any feel susah pun..i cried like crazy dat time..mmg nak give up abis..than my mom told me..kita dah berusaha semampu kita, jgn nak sangat menang sampai diri sendiri yang tanggung sakitnya..routine oh almost turn my life up side down..(lawak la pulak bile ingat balik :D )
that time i back to basic and slowly set for higher target in my routine..even though didn't manage to the highest but still had fun and good result..yeay!!
i know my story so boring but thanks for reading :)

P/S:DARE yourself to take the challenge and tried your best..aim higher but never regret if you didn't win because you've try your best..being a winner not always about winning something..tried your best effort and dare to take the challenge already make yourself a winner :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kerana anda saya begini...

hidup saya begini semua kerana anda..
kerana anda yang menetukan segalanya untuk saya..
saya memang suka ambil benda semua sambil lewa..
tanya ape pun saya jawab tak tahu..
benda saya tak suka tapi anda kata ia bagus..
saya ikut je..
tengok sekarang saya jadi begini..

Terima kasih Ibu..
kalau tak kerana Ibu yang tentukan hala tuju hidup mira mungkin sekarang mira tak dapat kejayaan yang mira ada sekarang..
walaupun belum cukup berjaya untuk membanggakan ibu tapi sebab ibu mira berjaya hari ni..
masa kat sekolah dulu ibu yang tentukan ambik kelas mana sebab mira tak tau nk decide :)
masuk kelas tu..AKAUN!!
matapelajaran yg paling saya tak suka..tapi berkat doa ibu saya..saya berjaya XD
masuk universiti..mira nak pilih benda lain selain akaun..tapi ibu suruh ambik akaun..
saya sungguh2 nak memprotes..tapi berdosa pulak saya rase lawan cakap ibu..
teringat pulak ustazah pesan..tak berkat belajar takde restu ibu..
dengan keadaan yang paksa rela saya melangkah masuk ke universiti..
orang tanye kenapa ambik akaun ni..
saya jawab ibu saya suruh..
orang cakap..susah tau belajar kalau tak minat..
saya pun jawab..mane ade balajar yang senang..
benci sungguh la dekat sume kelas yang ade disini..
sorie kepada cikgu yang mengajar saya akaun dulu..
bukan saya benci cikgu tapi matapelajaran tu yang saya tak suka..

setiap kali periksa Ibu doa untuk mira :)
saya terharu..saya berazam sejak hari itu..saya akan suka ape yang ibu saya suke :)
hingga saya rasa sape yang Ibu pilih untuk jadi suami saya itulah yang terbaik untuk saya..
saya mula suke la akaun..start dengan costing..saya paling suke :P
bila exam selalu mesti fail punye..yelahkan sebab tak suka..
tapi bila dapat result..syukur..lulus dengan cemerlang..
ni semua berkat doa ibu saya..terima kasih ibu..
sekarang saya dah mula suka akaun..walaupun takde lah suke sangat tapi boleh la..
sekarang mira berazam pulak nak sara adik2 lepas ni bile dah berjaya..
penat ibu nasihat mira macam2..berbuih mulut pun ade jugak rasenye..
nasib baik mira dengar cakap kalau tak ape lah yang jadi kata anak ibu ni kan.. :)
terima kasih banyak2 ibu..berkat ibu mira berjaya dan akan terus berjaya!!

P/S : Seorang Ibu sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik, memberi sesempurna yang mungkin dan memilih hanya yang terbaik untuk anak-anaknya,jadi kita sebagai anak akur dengan keputusan mereka adalah jalan yang terbaik untuk berjaya..

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Saya Sayang awaklah Encik -S-D-W-

Encik -S-D-W- yg sgt jahat..
awak dh culik hati saya..
tapi saya tak kesah.. XD
i know you never even know i'm exist in part of your life (sedihnye :'( )
but i don't care..
sorie for being your stalker..
never have any intention to hurt or harm you..
always wish you would read all my entry for you :)
but it'll never happen..i guess..
but thanks to the brand new world we live in now..
i'm able to know your update..even you don't notice me..
i hope 1 day you will singgah to my blog and read my entry.. XP
thanks..for updating bout yourself regurlarly..thanks a lot yaw!!

things i need you to give back is LOVE..if you can la..
i know you don't want to have any commitment right now..
that's why i never even bother whether you know me or not :D
i'll support you in what ever you do..but there's limitation for me of course..
we're not in the same religion but things always change..hope it for good la kan..
hope you'll know me some day and i get to know you better..
i know what kind of person you in the outside but never in the inside..
jgn buruk sudahlah kn..always wish for the best for you but never dare to stand up and say it out loud..poor you never hear my cheer..but i'm always there for you..
sorie la kan coz can't even cheer for you when you're down and have bad time in your life..but i never left you the one who never realise it..(of course la kn..saya ni sgt la bengong..XP)

again..thanks a lot sbb already kidnapped my you more when you never know who i am..lots of love from me..

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Camping is the real way to experience life!!

Camping!! not so good with this kind of things but still having fun joining it..hehehe

Staying up till morning being 'jaga' are the most exciting experience..while staying up late, my frens and I start sharing ghost storie which end up frightened us to go somewhere alone..(lawak sungguh kami ini) much things to share takut plak nnt tak cukup space nk tulis..(this will never ever happen..sje nk gimik lebih)

actually this camping not meant for me..just teman my sister which this is her first time..but I end up joining the camping through all their activity....sgt lah menyebok smpai tersgt la pnt sbb bnyk sgt keje..hahaha..pdn muke spe srh menyebok..

MR -S-D-W- sorrie for not update you for this past three days..sgt busy with the camping and there's no time for you..hahaha..actually enjoying the camping so much and totally forget to update..sorie2..

we walked about 7km around shah alam yesterday...having so much fun and this is the time all participant true colour shows..sgt la bnyk kerenah mereka semua ini..sampai dah tak cukup otak nak melayan..hahaha..(my words are so bombastik due to severe damaged..hahaha)but at least i'm having fun..that's my priority..

forgot week i'll be joining another camping activity..wohoo..this time only for two days..again MR -S-D-W- don't be mad if i didn't update.. :D
after that i'll have the olahraga day will be full and no time for outing..yeay..that's my aim actually..susah2 i'll tell everything here then no need for update anymore kn??agree everyone??easiest way for myself kn..(this going to make the gunung berapi memuntahkan segala lava yg ade..)tp nnt xtau la your story..but there's always a way to know bout you.. XDD

Eh, dh slh masuk cter plak..this supposed to be this camping entry..haiyaa..
want to share bout the survivor things which all participant have to take part..they have to make dish for 10 people..time ni lah segala suara kedengaran disana-sini..sungguh seronok hamba meng'observe'nye..they're provided with ayam,telur and kobis..sungguh terserlah segala skill yg ade..ade yg msk tp xmsk..ade yg msk ala2 hotel..sungguh xsngke plak..klu la diorng bleh wat cmtu kt hutan btol..i'm willing to stay kat hutan forever..hahaha..

sampai disini sajalah yg dapat hamba berstorie ye..esk ade klas and my mom already bising sbb to much sports less study..keje bnyk menimbun kt meja xabis lg..dh la rutin dh start..cari nahas you MR -S-D-W-!!

ini lah saya bersama-sama mereka yg terlibat..peserta bersama saya dan rakan2..

Thursday, June 24, 2010

what LOVE means..

love..each person and mind give different meaning or perception about love..between men and men , women and men, women and women, boys and girls..always not the same..even you have the same hobbies, name, skin color or even parents love can't be the same for you..even between you and i..we never know..

Love is any of a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different things.It's easy to fall in love but it's hard to understand love..that's why people always say..don't try to understand but explore yourself in can happen anytime..don't ever say that you'll never fall in's hard to hide your feeling once you fall in love..even men can cry because of love..people change because of love, from good to bad thing and vice versa.. do mean a lot to me..i didn't denied it..i also had been in love..once i taste it, things that come to mind..if only i can turn back time and never played along with love..only remain as wish..for me the love happily ever after only for one..ALLAH..once you felt this feeling you'll realized how sweet it can be..didn't mean to hurt anyone feeling but this is the truth..

He never turn you down, always there for you, hear your what you gotta say , help you whenever you've trouble and more HE forgives you even you've done something terribly bad, even you feel can't forgives yourself....HE don't look you depends on your look..we're are just the same to HIM..I wish I can have this feeling more sooner but to already have this feeling good enough compared to whom don't even get to taste it..ALHAMDULILLAH!!

i write this not to show how good i am..i myself have my dark side..always hear what those bad things come to me..easily affected by this world beauty lies..not strong enough to fight for my own lame me right..adore people who always did things that soon make me forget about HIM..

most of us back off when HE test us..HE never burden us with things we can't bear..there's always reason for that..take you love ones..just to test how much you can accept things happen..don't ever turned HIM down..the small test will lead to big happiness...

People always think for their future but never think about their death..their future is nowhere to be found but death been waiting since they were don't know when you gonna die but it for sure one day it will come..why they never did things to prepare for their death??only things for their they know if the future ever exist??why done things you don't know while there's thing you've known for sure..

I hope you can have good perception of love cause love created for good protect your heart from bad things..and remember don't ever let your love control your mind..always your mind control your love..once you lost of control it's hard to turn me..i've been through it..for all muslims..remember this..even when you feel there's no one in this world can't give their love to you or even to share their piece of heart..ALLAH will always there for you..

P/S : Appreciate what you have..this world don't have second chance for you..ONLY ALLAH can give you more chances..


sticky..hmm..the title sounds weird but this story just a plain story from my day.. :)
my cousin who have stayed with us about 1 week and plus2 (actually can't remember how long he have been here XP ) asked me to bring him to OU..and today we went there..for the first time being the tour guide (dh la xpnh pg OU tu..hahaha) best jugak la jln2..
but actually the most that captured my eyes was the STICKY shop!! when i sampai at that kedai their staff preparing the candy..i stayed and sticked to that placed for about an hour...the staff start to pandang2 us..but their candy make place is open type so it means bleh la nk tgkkn..even dh tgk for an hour and more we walk out from the kedai with nothing in hands..sorrie ye kakak cashier..mhl sgt la..can't give satisfaction.. XP (all the staff mst like tgh kutuk2 or what)

caused this like the first time i round the whole OU nye bangunan, once again I stick to one place..MPH!! being book lover is not a crime right??but didn't bring spare money for my books juz can jln2 and pegang jelah..i stop for a while at John Grisham book shelves..adore his writing so much..even it's a little bit heavy but enjoyed reading it..because the main things i was here to take my cousin for a tour xbleh la nk bertapa lama2 kt MPH.. ;(

after jln2 for about more than 3 hours..(cipta rekod actually..xpnh kluar lme cmni slain tgk wayang :D ) I saw people line up in front of GSC..wonder why..owh it's actually collecting ticket session for BEAST/B2ST showcase..sumpah pnjng gyler and luckily i followed what my mom said..'xpyh la pg, tgk kt dlm tv lg clear..bkn nye dpt jmpe pn..2 ribu bkn nye skit tau..'..if not i might be end up line up till 9 p.m.
so not going to do dat..moreover the showcase will be at 7 pm on saturday..mne nk solat nnt..haish..bkn rezeki la nmenye..

then pnt sdh jln2..called my driver to pick us up..when straight home..letih la..
things i learned today.always follow what your mom say..there's always a good thing behind never want to ruin their you mom..

P/S: don't expect people to change for you..just accept how they are..that's bring more happiness..

Friday, June 18, 2010


Free time!! continuing my story bha..hahaha.. :P (actually dh kne simtom bosan tahap mati sudah)


Pulau time!!
wee..happy like kindergarten kids got candy...since i'm always behaving like a child..have prob bha..went to shop to buy some film for my lomo camera (Lomo-ism have reach my mind)the cashier look at me as if i'm playing around and i end up calling my sister to buy it for me..haiya!! marah sudah nie.. X(
went there with all the Pengarah's family which make our group even bigger to travel...almost reach up to 40 people...seems like having lawatan sambil belajar je..Abg Shahrul and Kak Eja will lead our tour..being our tour guide..thanks to them we have lots2 of fun..not to forget..amat , muaz and nana...thanks for the food.. so yummy but can't eat much cause pnt sgt..sorie..jgn marah bha..since this is only pulau time we spent all the day at the sarapan Uncle Nober an Aunty Nur yg blanja..sedap sgt and thanks for your unforgettable 'nasi lemak'.( ble bce blk bnyk sgt org blanje mkn and my storie end up to be speech to thank all of them.. )
not tired enough spending our day at Pulau Sapi we went to Kg Air to finish our energy :D
since i'm electronic maniac i end up bought some headset, stereo, speaker and last but not least handsfree for my phone..Kak Eja said that this is her first time seing such a girl like me end up with pile of electronic things rather than shopping for bags, cloth, perfume and etc...


Actually it supposed to be Pulau AGAIN!! but i end up giving mandatory punye arahan which no one ever want to think what happen if not follow (i'm sorry for my hot-tempered ye..)..penat kot nk mandi lagi..take ur bath kt toilet sudah la..we went to the muzium..this come the scariest part..there's tempat to show like how they dressed for some occasion they put it on the patung..they also show us how their life before..terkejut bha..there's patung like starring cousin and amat end up running out from dat place..seram sejuk jugk ae nk jln dh byr punye psl..jln jgk ae..tbe2 ade plak patung jatuh..pucat muka rse klu tembak pun xkluar drh dh..mmg cuak abes dh ni....after that we went to kampung budaya and to the menara the menara tinjau there's like dog breed place..bnyk gle anjing..takut nk turun but Abg Shahrul said 'diorg nie kt snie jinak mcm kucing..'..i dont believe it but there's child tbe2 pg sepak2 anjing tu..i felt liked..owh mmg putus nafas ae nk lri nie..then ajing tu like biar that time..patut la bdk tu brani anjing tu mmg jinak mcm kucing..


There's nothing left to story..just jln2 at Lok Kawi..went to muzium and watched some peformance from the animal..but the best part of the day..dinner time :) (makan je tau kn..)..Kak Eja masak bha hari ni..mmg best ae..aunty Laila bg soto banjau..mmg kecur air liur..again migrain desprately come to me to be my frenz..haish..mmg spoil mood btol..end up having fever and take my sleep with Aspirin..but still sempat makan before head back to the hotel..


my last day here..first thing after wake up..will miss them a lot..start to losing my mood..out of sudden my dad just realize we bought to much things and have to buy extra kilo for the luggage( air asia..biase ae kan..)..he asked me to used the office com..hiah..bnyk2 ank die aku jgk yg aunty from my mom side called me multipurpose person and i guess she's right..ade jgk org mcm ni kn..pelik2..then tgh sibuk2 and stuck for several time ade plak mamat receptionist nie sempat wat interview..he's lucky cause i have to jge my dad image..klu x mmg sdh berapi ni..i'm busy and bleh lg nk tnye2..haish..then called air asia..lpe sudh..nk blk ari nie mne bleh bli extra luggage lg..hiayaa...kne bli kt kaunter la...anyway thanks to Syed cause bg pinjam ur broadband even bising2 smpai dh thp i reach my limit..and thanks for helping me :)

it's the end of my holiday..sedih nye..still have about 3 weeks before my next sem..xtau la nk wat cmne nie..hmm..but still i'm happy because it cuti time.. :)
i'm sorie if my stories to bored to be read..but thanks for reading...( there's a fact said that if u like to read u won't get 'NYANYUK' when ur age going up2 and above X) )

P/S : people!! ready for ur school!!


12 hours out from the final exam hall i fly to SABAH!!
can't concentrate on the exam anymore...much like answering how to spend holidays at sabah... XD
relief after the final end...arrive home burden comes in...

1.things not yet pack books all over the room, can't even see the way in..(mcm ae study kn..) dad asking to do this and that..(as if i'm robot can process within 1 minute XD..sorry dad!!) granny is coming!!!(need to settle the room ASAP!!) aunt's present not settle yet... ngantuk cause not sleeping for several days...(enjoying my study)

my mom already start her radio since the day before my last paper..(sorie bu :P)but I take it as my entertainment while stay up late..
I have problem while stay make me sleepy..
every time i drink it..katil panggil sudah bha!!

after all, i manage to tidy up my room, pack my things and settle my aunt's present things..yeay for me...(applause..wohoo) but i end up stay up for the whole night..haiyaa..all of us get up at 3 a.m to get ready and catch up our holiday begin!!6 days of fun...


Staying up for so many eyes look like panda sudah, arrive at airport at 5 we check in and settle things up..breakfast...and up to the plane :)
sleeping for the whole 2 hours but still not enough bha..sampai2 makan lagi..(in minds..cuti nie naik lg.haish..)
from k.k we go straight to kudat to see 'matahari tidur' (it need rest too XD)
3 hour fill with sleep (again!! bad impression to my dad's frenz..hahaha)
spend night there..but as always stay up late see late night movies...( such bad habits..jgn ikut bha..)


from kudat we go to kundasang...takes about 3 hours kot..(and again it's sleeping time :P )
arrive at the kundasang we went for the strawberry farm, rose garden, and the war memorial..the place most attract me was the war memorial..there's sad story behind it..up to 2000 people died there because of JAPANESE but that was all in the back time ( no offense to all)..suddenly my dad's frenz asked me
'ade bf blom nie??' then i said as if there's anyone want me..he laugh like i said something really funny..he said i lied him..then i said ' klu ada bha, sudah bawak skali ni'..then he said 'jgn jual mahal bha, saham kau cukup tnggi sudah'..this time I laugh for real...since i can't stop lughing the topics end there..(sumpah gelak smpai malam owh..)penat jalan we enjoy our dinner at Haji Saimi sbb free..btw his wife dishes..superb wa ckp lu..but can't enjoy much cause my best fren forever comes to me(migrain sudah ni)than i take night stroll with panadol and imigran..mmg sweet dream abis nih...

tired sudah nie..till then i'll sambung my story..kat sne xde internet xbleh nk update..sorie bha sudah lama xupdate..busy nie :)
(bru turun plane lg nie :P)tata..till next time..bye2!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

things that make me special

sorry for long time disappearing..lately been busy with study and all things(the truth is,being busy for games till there's no time for study XD) . still continuing writing this even though my radio has turn on by it self..( this is super not ghost story ok!! )back to the topic (after bragging about something not supposed to )

this suppose to be bad things bout me dat makes me so special..wonder bout the things rite?? XD (love dat..)

i juz realized i'm enjoying my life by stalking people..not intend to but my curiosity go beyond by itself make me want to explore more..(the ayt sounds nice but the things i did sgt lah xbaik)..actually i didn't know that myself love to stalk people until one day my frenz was telling bout the guy he liked and i said his named..she shocked coz xbg klu pn, then she asked cmne tau..i said nmpk korg dating hri tu..mne de ktorg xde pn dating2 ni..she said la..actually sndiri pun xtau mcm mne bleh tau maybe lucky guess je kot..but this thing make me clear enough that i'm a stalker..all my frenz slalu cter2 la bout the guy they like and i don't know y i always seen them with the guy they like juz before they tell me..start from dat mmg confirm sndri punye hobi ske stalk org..ske je follow ble nmpk kwn ngan org lain..haish..xbaik nie jgn ikot tau..( i'm sorie if my story so boring)and also very happy to waste my time follow org dating..padahl bknnye knl pun org tu...bahaye2..

more things make me special...hmm..i'm good at telling lies and very bad to tell the truth...cause all my frens only believe thing dat i lied but don't believe me when i'm telling the truth..citer yg betol tu mcm tpu ke??pelik and musykil plak..but this don't mean i always telling lies..cme klu bnde tu xbaik ble ckp tpkse la tpu2 still dosa tau.. (tau tp buat jgk..ble nk berubah ni??)

hmmm...there's still more i guess...oh..i'm lazy person..don't believe me?? i'm too lazy to explain..hahaha...people won't believe me if i said i'm lazy..only my sister a_f_q_h would admit it..ble ckp kt my frens actually i'm pemalas..diorg ckp..eleh ye ke..bdk baik mcm ni xkn la pemalas..i wonder if jd bdk baik ade kne mngena dgn pemalas??i don't think so not..being good girl doesn't make u rajin..and being rajin pun tak ensure u good girl kn..klu rajin mencuri pun kire rajin pe but the things u did is bad thing xconsider la as good girl :D (trying to satisfy myself with the explanation..hahaha)
actually mmg la org xpercaye kn..if i'm lazy i didn't make this blog, i didn't online, not writing for this blog la kn..for sure la org yg wat sume nie consider xmls..haiyaa..but i once felt so mls until i felt too mls to sleep..(teruk la perangai)

oh..oh..there's more x2...i'm home person!! ( this the only good things i guess)
i'm can have very nice day by only staying home all day XD
sometimes this give my frens bad impression..nmpk mcm sombong la plak..but i really enjoy my life at home..i can play games all day, online, play jigsaw puzzle , sleep, exercise (things dat must do sbb nk kurus )and lots of things yg rsenye xpyh describe kot...i'm sorry to all my frens, bkn xske korg tp i enjoy myself at home more than outside..(it turns up to be bad things la plak..hish..)

u guys must be wonder..this kid seems don't have good things bout herself..actually i don't know what i'm good at else than sports..that the most thing that captured my passion..else than that don't dare to say..afraid it turns out bad and make people feel unhappy..silent is the better way of life...but for bad things people always said it out loud to you and they remember it..people don't easily said u good at this and that rite..there's jealousy inside all of us.

P/S: jogging can prevent arthritis..exercise good for your life XD

Saturday, March 13, 2010

a day with fun a week with burden

last week my family and i spent our holiday at janda baik with teacher anom..seronok sgt2..with teacher's children which are so so adorable..wish could pinjam bwk balik.. XDD
having fun there..a lot of things we did but mostly we mandi sungai which almost all day we spent for that.. (acctly planned nk mandi mlm2 jgk but mse nk trn sungai we were assigned to kemas dapur..sigh..) tesgt lah sedih time tu but nk buat mcmne kn..
though only spent 2 days there we already felt like have spent our whole year there..tak malu wat mcm tmpt sndri..(nsb baik owner kwn ayah..klu tak, malu smpai terjun sungai..hahaha)..dh abis bersuke ria..time for bad news for us..

bibik going to cuti till end of dis year so semua must be responsible..that's what my mom said..we like..ok la..die pn bkn buat kje sgt..bnyk tido je..
the day have come..can't believe dat she left our house without cleaning even single place in our house..she said..
xlarat la bru blk dri janda baik..pnt..

ktorg mcm nk belasah2 je die sbb biar rumah mcm tu je blk kelas pnt2 kena plak kemas rumah, basuh bju, and all the chores..arggh..mcm la die sorg je yg pg janda baik tu!!
kat janda baik pun bukan die yg buat keje, bibik teacher yg buat sume yg die tau tido je..sbb ape?? pnt sgt naik kete..mmg pns habis ae nsb baik la my mom so kind hearted..die ckp biarla tu antare dia dgn allah..klu tak mmg dh kluar segala ayt yg dh bleh jd library dri die start keje!!geram3!!

tu satu..yg makin geram dh la kne kemas rumah but my adik bleh ckp ko mmg patut pn kemas sbb ktorg pegi sekolah lg pnt dri ko pegi kelas..eeeii...rse mcm nk srh je diorg rse mcm mne rsenye pegi kelas dri pkul 8 pg - 6 ptg...dh la tak ckp terima kasih mintak tolong bleh plak wat dek je....

lps geram dh brape hari ntah kne kemas rmh plus pnt sgt smpai tlmbt bgn g klas..dua hri la cuti kms rmh..bleh plak diorg mcm xnmpk je rmh bersph...xpsl2 free2 kne mrh sbb xkms rmh..mmg pns btol tp nk wat cmne redha jelah..wat myself sndri yg dpt pahala..diorg xnk tlg diorg pnye psl la..baik sabar dri mrh2..wat skt hati plus dpt dosa kering..haih...

smpai snie jelah..nnt ble dh abis sume kje bru la bleh update lg :))

Friday, February 12, 2010

smile is more valuable than love

to see his smile more than enough for me than having his love that would make someone else suffer more than me...
to love someone not always meant you have to get or have them..
juz get to see his smile with happiness shine through his face are more valuable things i could ever have..
his love ones is far better than me and i shall back of from this game of love..
my heart bursting their tears right now but this juz another things i've to bear to move on in my life..
i wonder why i always fall for the wrong person??
maybe the pain i felt right now is a sign that i should not open my heart to someone else again..
so i don't have to endure such this pain again and again..
never thought this would happen to me so many time..
and every single time it's happen it made me realize there's only one love that will last forever
the love to ALLAH..
right now i'm learning to give my love and only love just for HIM ..
not to anyone else that will then hurt myself in the end
HE would always listen to me, hear all burdens i felt
never tired to hear what i say and always there for me
always give what i want..for things he gave he never ask for payment but I juz need to obey him which will lead to more good things for my life..
this test you made me through juz made me realize LOVE is only for YOU
the start of my new life begin with all my love is just for YOU
i shall now closed my heart and move on my life...
there's no more love to spread cause it always for YOU..

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Should I...

Should I message him,
Should I forget him,
Should I juz let this feeling blow away,
Should I juz wait and see,
or should I juz move on...
few days they had been rolling in my mind..
should I this or should I that..

Should I message him??
what if he don't even want to be my friend ,
what if he already have a girlfriend,
question answered with question..

Should I forget him??
than this is what pop up in my mind..
"What if he do like me and I only realize when there's someone else??"

more question left without an answer

Should I let this feeling blow away??
my heart say no..
suffered enough with unanswered question this one juz add more to it..hmmm..
why do I fall for u at the first place?? even better if we never met..

Should I juz wait and see??
What to waiting for and waiting juz to see more thing that will make myself suffer??
this one really made my mind go off the track..

should I juz move on??
done this thousand of time..can i bear with this anymore??
found someone and do nothing but juz let it go??
what a coward person I am..
give up and doing nothing..such a nonsense...

should I this and should I that..
someone please give me an answer..
what should i do??
waiting, move on or just ignore this feeling??

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


must be wonder what kind of story would it be..even equation could be my story..figuring it out for days have the courage to write..

met him for the first comel..that's what spill from my mind..hahaha XD
so gatal la this NURUL :P
first impression always stick to our tiny little MR. MEMORY right...wonder who is he, what's his name made my day gone without realizing it..see the smile on his face for all the day made me fall in love without any warning from my brain to my heart..why is it we always fall for someone that is hard to get??..hmmm..wonder why..

first time met him at the family day thing, his dad and my dad work at the same place la...first i don't wanna join the thing but to take care all of my sisters have to la..(nampak sgt xikhlas kn) i noticed him when he played "lari dalam guni" game..i was there to take pictures..never thought gonna met him there..hahaha..
after all the acara padang we have dinner..all of us have to first a lit bit malas coz penat, then my dad said
"mane boleh sume org ank2 die pg"
afterthat i'm rushing to the toilet getting ready for the dinner...why??coz if everbody bring their kids means he's gonna be there..hahaha XPP
sampai kt dewan or sumthing look like foyer they assign us to sit the table behind my dad..mke dh ala2 mcm cpt lah bnde nie habis
then happy time coming...WE'RE AT THE SAME TABLE!!..
spending time with him all night feel like i'm the happiest person in the world..but of course la not alone kan..with all my siblings are there hope he didn't noticed I always curi2 pandang to him..after dinner i went upstairs to my room, before dat already said to him "malam nie nk turun tgk chelsea lwn la"..he juz smile and walk my room i decided to take nap before the match..arghh..damn it, to tired to wake up..tlajak tido smpai pg..
MENYESAL smpai hari nie tau x!! i keep saying " klu la turun mlm tu mst dh bleh mntk no phone die!!"
ceh muke xtau malu btol..hahaha.. XPP
but after all thanks to the person who organized this family day thing..klu tak jgn hrp la nk knl ngan die kn...

something suddenly made me stop from saying those line....
He add me!!
but happy always come with sad..i think he fall for my sister la..
then i got he's phone number but yet don't have enough courage to text him :(
my sister said..wait la until he asked yours..
BUT WHAT IF HE NEVER ASKED!! sad la..wish i could say that
make u wonder what that suppose to mean until u got it right..but it will remain as a wish..
till i can have have ur less than 3..
i'm looking forward to it..

Monday, February 8, 2010


2 years of my life without u guys juz make me feel like i'm dragging myself to hell...wish that u guys could always be by my side..sharing stories like old time, gosipping about things we don't like..ahhh..what a happy moment back then..can't we juz always be 17 for all of our life but no more SPM!!hahaha..things would never go like we want la kn..

Haiyaa!!how come i'm not missing u guys..yg dua tu tercampak kat MELAKA yg sorang lg kt i'm alone at the same place and not going anywhere..hahaha XDD

I miss all u guys punye gadoh2 things bout sumthing that not really to be gadoh for..
miss IHSAN'S line
what to do i'm so fabulous
..miss the radio dj thing which specially made for II and NA from ANISUDIN..u would say sumthing like
lagu ini ditujukan kepada pasangan II dan NA
..damn it I miss it so much la!!
not to forget another line from FARIS our most rambut terpacak guy..
tu sume tadehal la weyh
...juz love u guys so damn much...

Ihsan skrg yg dh HOT!! *kening2

Dj radio yg tak lapuk dek panas XD..go ANISUDIN go!!

Rambut still steady..FARIS!!

Wish all of us could get together back..don't forget me who never go anywhere nor do anything else then waiting for u guys!!(jgn mrh klu bz and tak sempat nk jmpe :P)